Author: Abdul Haseeb Lunje

360_Right time to change a job

Right time to change a job?

“Squeeze the company before it squeezes you” What do we expect from our employer? (Primarily) Monthly salary? I don’t believe monthly salary is enough!!! We are not just working; in fact, we are putting our present (current time) to gain skills to sustain for future. I have seen we get in love with a company […]

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360_career_vision_Career Selection Parameters

Career Selection Parameters

I interacted with a number of small kids, below 10 years, and asked them “what they want to be in future?” The most common answer is Doctor or Teacher. Kids meet Doctors and Teachers more so the ideal profession for them is Doctor or Teacher. I spoke with couple of doctors. They were fed up […]

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360_career_vision_Career Toppings

Career Toppings

Along with my 7 year daughter I went to a bakery. She was searching for a cake. She was getting attracted towards fancy cakes. But it was costing more so I was searching a plain cake because of the cost. After comparing the cost I realized due to toppings the cost had almost doubled. It […]

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360_career_vision_Emerging IT Careers

Emerging IT Careers

I am a student of knowledge. In this article, with my limited knowledge, I tried to consolidate different emerging Career/Courses/Certifications. Request your precious response by adding the emerging and niche fields I missed. Below courses/certifications are helpful for the freshers as well as mid experienced professionals. But I feel below list will help senior professionals […]

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Job Recession ?? A myth..

Being in the field of career counselling since more than a decade maximum discussions I have are around ‘recession’, ‘lack of job opportunities’ and so on. World population is increasing, modes of business have changed from barter system to eCommerce, payment modes have transformed from gold to electronic, bitcoin etc… In-spite of all the advancement […]

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