Who we are

Who We Are

A right decision on the right time is the most important in the life. To take a right decision right information should be available. To cater this need “360 Career Vision” came into the existence.

The aim of the organization is not only to provide the Career Guidance but also to build the vision in one’s career.

The organization is set up by experienced professionals who are leading in their respective fields. The team is capable of changing the vision of candidate with the real time life experience. Hence, the team not only provides guidance but also give 360 Degree view by guiding in all the dimensions of career as well as personal life. The team is leading by Abdul Haseeb Lunje, an experienced IT professional. He is a social worker in the field of Career Counselling and Education upliftment. He has worked with companies like Hewlett-Packard, IBM, Wipro and Infosys.

The team has delivered around 60 lectures and guided hundreds of students, freshers, junior and senior professionals. Not a single lecture was under their own name. Their theme is to strengthen the NGOs by providing Career Counselling Service under the name of respective organization. They have assisted a number of other NGOs as well to work in Career counselling field. They wanted to concentrate on Career Counselling capability and provide the service across the community via NGOs. Their goal is to bring emerging courses on the fingertips of the students and professionals. The team is also working to centralize the distributed scholarship information at one place (www.360careervision.com -> Scholarship). Under this tab major scholarship with their eligibility criteria are collated. You just type a key word; the required information of related scholarship will be on your fingertips.

We have built a website for connecting NGOs, Social worker needy candidates. A candidate can be a student who needs money for education or a person who needs financial assistance for medical purpose. On this portal Social workers, NGOs and needy candidates will be registered. Needy candidates will mention how much money they need for education or medical purpose. Only verified candidates will be visible to Social worker and NGOs. Respective Social worker and NGO can select a candidate and will give the related amount. This will be visible to all NGOs and Social worker.

The purpose of portal is to bring transparency, full visibility and faster fulfilment of the needs of community.

What We Do

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What Our Students Say

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